I am Penny Marie Cooke/Corter/Chereamie (she/her)! Amateur number station archivist, cartographer, historian, political.. person, anime critic, and any number of things I periodically lose and regain motivation to engage in.

I was born in the state of Michigan within the United States at the age of 0. I have, regrettably, been situated in a worse state immediately to the southeast for much of my life.

Where am I?

What do I believe in?

Politically, I am a Marxist-Leninist. I believe the only way forward is an armed uprising against capitalism and the establishment of a dictatorship of the proletariat to pave the way for a society without class or currency.

Political Tests (bear with me)

I don't think political tests are actually useful. That said, they are fun to take. Here are my results.

full left, mostly bottom
revolutionary, scientific, centralist, neutral, partisan, neutral, progressive
full left, slightly up, almost fully progressive
communist, peaceful, liberal, revolutionary
constructivism, rehabilitative, progressive, international, communism, regulation, neutral, revolution

Spiritually, I consider myself an athiest. It isn't a topic I get as up in arms about as my political beliefs, though. I operate on a "live and let live" system, as long as a given group remains tolerant and non-hateful.

My favorites

  • Favorite show: Girls Last Tour/Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou (2017). If you look at my ratings on my anime planet account, I have only ever awarded 4 shows a 5 star rating. This, in my opinion, means that I had zero significant problems with it. Girls Last Tour has a fantastic setting, excellently written characters, and a great story. There is no other piece of media I would suggest you watch more than it.
  • Favorite song/movie/game: This tends to fluctuate, so instead this information will be on its own "Current Obsessions" page.
  • Favorite color: A lighter shade of purple
  • Favorite animal: Cats and/or foxes


If Marx did it, I should too!
  • Your favorite virtue. — Curiosity
  • Your chief characteristic. — I think other people can answer this better than I could.
  • The vice you hate most. — Willful ignorance
  • The vice you excuse most. — Naïveté
  • Your idea of happiness. — To learn
  • Your idea of misery. — Not being my true self
  • Where would you like to live? — Vermont sounds nice
  • Your favorite flower. — Amaranth, but more for the cool symbolism
  • Your heroes.Vladimir Lenin, political theorist and revolutionary who led a revolution that overthrew the Russian monarchy; Yuri Gagarin, the first human in space.
  • Your heroines.Lyudmila Pavlichenko, Soviet sniper who killed 309 fascist soldiers during WW2; Leila Khaled, Palestinian freedom fighter for the PFLP
  • The character(s) in history you most dislike.Henry Kissinger, the "architect" of the US's murderous cold war foreign policy; Heinrich Himmler, leader of the Schutzstaffel, the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party; and Benito Mussolini, the main 'founder' of fascism.
  • Your aversion. — Loud environments
  • Your motto. — "If it's stupid and it works, then it isn't stupid."

About the Website

The one thing I resent most about the modern internet is that there's no space to call your own. Sure, you can have a profile on a social media website, but you can't customize anything past your profile picture and bio! My main goal is to create a nice little online space for myself.

My main inspiration (as some of my design choices make clear) is satyrs.eu, which I stumbled upon through alternatehistory.com, specifically the Toast3r color scheme.